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this group is great when im having a down day i come on because so many people on here are so positive and have very kind words
Its fab this group i was telling claire from little waves today as she my outreach support worker x
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“Do you think I am having fun!”
“Do you think I am having fun when I scream, fall to the floor and slam my head repeatedly?”
“Do you think I am enjoying it when I meltdown in the middle of a classroom with my peers staring at me?”
“Do you think I am having fun when I cannot sit still, and am running around the room, bouncing off the walls, ignoring your assistance?”
“Do you think I am having fun when I am staring into space, with glassy eyes, and turning away to block you out because I am overwhelmed and shutting down?”
“Do you think I am having fun when I repeatedly hit my face with my fists until all the frustration is gone?”
“Do you think that I enjoy hitting, kicking, and biting you when I love you?”
When I hear people discussing my behavior, what is there that leads them to believe that I like to do this; that I find enjoyment in creating havoc, stress, and anxiety for myself and others? Do you think I would do this if I had more adaptive ways of dealing with the problem? When I am continually acting out to gain your attention, you say I am “seeking attention” (like I like it) and put me on extinction. Do you ever think about “why” am I needing constant attention in the first place. Why am I acting inappropriately to obtain attention? Instead of ignoring me, try and listen and understand why I “have the need” to act that way. Seeking attention may be the obvious observable function, but ask yourself (1) why am I needing so much attention, and (2) why am I using this behavior to get it. Don’t just “ignore” me. It doesn’t teach me anything, but make me feel isolated and unwanted. It does deal with why I need the attention, or teach me more appropriate ways of getting it.
When I act out when you place demands on me, yes I may be trying to “escape and avoid” these demands, so you force me to comply so my acting out is not rewarded by allowing me to escape. You say I act out to “manipulate” you to avoid things I do not like. Have you asked yourself “why does he feel the need to escape or avoid?” If most children willfully comply, why am I resisting so adamantly. Don’t you think if I had the tools, and felt confident enough to do it successfully, that I would also “want” to do it?
When I become overwhelmed in events with overpowering sounds, sights, and smells, why would you think that forcing me through it is somehow helping me? If my brain becomes overloaded with stimulation, how can I be expected to “handle it?” What is that teaching me, if my brain doesn’t allow me to learn during those moments?
I wonder why you do not ask these questions. You call me a manipulator, lazy, disrespectful, oppositional, etc, like I somehow intentionally choose to act this way; assuming I know how to act differently. You sit at a table and discuss among yourselves how I must learn to act better, to not be spoiled, learn to respect others, and comply with your demands, like I am so how having “fun”, intentionally choosing to act this way. You don’t first look at what you might need to change, but try to force change on me. You scold, force, punish, and restrain me, like I purposely want to be this way. Are you that DUMB to think that if knew how to do it right, and I felt confident doing so, I wouldn’t have more “fun” being cooperative and receiving the positive attention and rewards like all the other children. Look at my face! Look at my actions! Look at my emotions! How do you assume that this is fun!
Please let me tell you, if I felt good about myself, confident in what I am doing, and safe and accepted by you, I would not be acting this way. Either the demands of the situation are greater than I can handle, the way you are supporting (or not supporting) me is overwhelming me, or I do not feel “safe” in doing it. I do not mean to “piss you off!” I do not find joy is making you angry and lashing out at me in frustration. I am not having fun in watching everyone stare, scold, and ridicule me into submission. How do you think that timing me out, taking away privileges, and restraining me helps me to feel safe, accepted, and competent in your presence!
Please, when you look at me struggling, assume that I am feeling anxious, insecure, and most importantly “inadequate” at the moment. The stronger the opposition the more insecure and inadequate I am feeling. Then, ask yourself how can you (1) change the expectations and demands, (2) how can you provide greater assistance to support me, and (3) teach better skills for meeting these expectations. And most importantly, in the heat of a meltdown, think “how I help him feel safe”, not “how can I control him.” And when it is over with, ask yourself how you can change the conditions next time to avoid setting me into “fight or flight”, rather than how can you punish my behavior into submission. You are the one placing me in these conditions, you are the one who has to learn to change! Yes, like for all children, I need realistic boundaries and consequences to learn to be successful, but meet me where I can realistically succeed, be a supportive mentor, and please do not assume that I am having “fun” and “prefer” to act this way!
Thanks you for listening to me. Please do it more often!
Charities which may give GENERAL GRANTS to families caring for a child with a disability
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of grants. There are grant-making organisations for specific disabilities and rare conditions that we have not been able to include here. There are also funds restricted to particular counties or areas of the UK, to people who have been in certain occupations and to denomination or faith of applicants. Please call our freephone helpline above for information on any of these trust funds.
Please read the list carefully as every grant on this list may not be applicable to you. Please note that an application does not mean you are guaranteed a grant, and we advise contacting more than one organisation for the item you need.
Grant giving Charities online
Turn2us is a charity providing an online service to help people access information on all benefits and grants available to them from both statutory and voluntary organisations in the UK. In many cases, applications for support can be made directly from the website and people can be kept informed by email or by text to their mobile phone. You can access the service at Web:
Act Foundation
Contact details
The Grants Manager, The ACT Foundation, 61 Thames Street, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1QW Tel: 01753 753900
Type of grant
Building - funding modifications to homes, schools, hospices etc.
Equipment - provision of specialised wheelchairs, other mobility aids and equipment including medical equipment to assist independent living.
Financial assistance - towards the cost of short-term breaks at a registered respite centre.
No grants which would replace statutory funding or which to pay for work already started or equipment already purchased or on order.
Eligibility criteria
To enhance the quality of life of individuals with a mental health problem or physical disability. Only accept applications from UK-based individuals.
Action for Kids
Contact details
Ability House, 15A Tottenham Lane, London N8 9DJ
Helpline: 0845 300 0237 (local call rates)
: 020 8347 8111
Type of grant
Provides mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, buggies, walkers, trikes, communication aids and ongoing maintenance of electrically powered indoor outdoor chairs (EPIOCs).
Eligibility criteria
Applications welcome from or on behalf of any child or young person up to the age of 26 with a physical or other disability.
How to apply
Apply on-line or call the helpline for an application pack.
Active Foundation
Contact details
The Secretary, Unit G, 41 Warwick Road, Solihull B92 7HS
Tel: 0121 440 5855
Type of grant
One-off grants and recurrent grants towards disability equipment, wheelchairs, hoists etc, activity holidays for adolescents being treated for various chronic illnesses and hospital transport costs.
Eligibility criteria
Children, people who are disadvantaged and people with disabilities.
How to apply
Contact the secretary to apply.
Children Today Charitable Trust
Contact details
Children Today Charitable Trust, The Moorings, Rowton Bridge
Christleton, Chester CH3 7AE
Tel: 01244 335 622 Web:
Type of grant
Grants of up to £1,000 for vital, life-changing specialised equipment. Funding for equipment such as wheelchairs and mobility aids, walking frames, specialised tricycles, profiling beds, sleep systems, second skins, communication and education aids. Unable to fund alterations to homes or gardens, domestic equipment, clothing or other general items.
Eligibility criteria
Children and young people who are sick or disabled (under 25)
How to apply
Call them for a form. Provide a professional reference explaining how the piece of equipment will benefit the child. Parents can apply direct.
Association of Charity Officers (managed by Turn2Us)
Contact details
Unit 9, Cefn Coed Parc, Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7QQ
Helpline: 0808 802 2000
Type of grant
List of over 3500 charities providing financial and other help.
Eligibility criteria
For children and young people, one-parent families, people with physical or learning difficulties or mental health problems.
How to apply
Their helpline can signpost to charities most likely to help. Give full details of the family and educational background, working pattern, special needs, membership of any societies and service in the armed forces, as well as details of religion and ethnic origins. This information helps them to link the applicant to the most relevant charities.
From 18th January 2010 Turn2us has been running the helpline service on behalf of The Association of Charity Officers (ACO).
Anyone contacting ACO by telephone, letter or online will be referred to Turn2us to receive a free, comprehensive and confidential service. Turn2us assists people to find appropriate grant giving charities (with a database of over 3,500 charitable funds) as well as carry out benefit checks for people, to ensure they are receiving all the welfare benefits and tax credits they are entitled to. Turn2us is available on freephone 0808 802 2000 or visit
The Birchington Convalescent Benefit Fund
Contact details
Birchington Convalescent Benefit Fund, Church Society, Dean Wace House, 16 Rosslyn Road, Watford WD18 ONY
Tel: 01923 235111
Type of grant
Small one-off grants to help children and their families to take a holiday.
Grants are only given for holidays for children. No grants for ill parents to take a break or towards expensive or overseas holidays.
Eligibility criteria
The Fund is for children (under 18) who are chronically ill, or recovering from hospital treatment or a long-term illness.
How to apply
Applications must be made by a third party, such as a doctor or social worker, or give you a reference. Download an application form from the website, or contact the Church Society.
Bruce Wake Charitable Trust
Contact details
P.O. Box 9335, Oakham, Rutland LE15 0ET
Tel: 0844 879 3349 Web:
Type of grant
One off grants towards short breaks and holidays and disability equipment.
Eligibility criteria
Applications related to the provision of sporting and leisure activites for physically disabled wheelchair users.
How to apply
Applications will only be accepted through a charitable organisation or equivalent recognised body, and submitted together with appropriate financial information to the address above. The Trustees meet quarterly.
Cauldwell Children
Contact details
Caudwell Children, Minton Hollins, Shelton Old Road, Stoke-on-Trent
Tel: 0845 300 1348 Web:
Type of grant
Disability equipment, treatment, therapy and dying wish holidays. No grants for home or garden improvements, short breaks, computers, motor vehicles, equipment repairs or play equipment.
Eligibility criteria
Individuals under 18 who are sick or disabled.
How to apply
Write in, call or download an application form from the website.
Camp Quality UK
Contact details
99 Kingsbury Road, Birmingham, B24 8QJ
Tel: 0121 288 4745 Web:
Type of grant
Camping holidays. Every holiday is funded entirely by Camp Quality UK and is provided free of charge to each child. Includes group holidays: abseiling, sailing, archery, canoeing, rock climbing, swimming, horse riding, box games, crafts, entertainments, and visits to leisure parks. They try to let children do what they and their medical team feel they can do. Each camp has a camp director and camp doctor - responsible for the whole camp, 24 hours a day.
Eligibility criteria
Children with a potentially life-limiting condition, for all abilities and disabilities, including cancer. Aim is to give family a break and the child fun and friendship. Include siblings whenever they can, but cannot guarantee a place for a sibling; one reason being they may benefit from time alone with their parents.
How to apply
Apply online. You will need details of your child’s consultant, medical condition and hospital where treated.
Newlife Foundation for Disabled Children - Equipment Grant Service
Contact details
Newlife Centre, Hemlock Way, Cannock, Staffordshire WS11 7GF
Helpline: 01543 462777 Web:
Type of grant
Equipment specifically related to the care or needs of the child/family, where other sources of funding are not available or significant delay will cause deterioration of a child's condition. See their website for guidance.
Eligibility criteria
Seriously disabled and terminally ill children 18 years or under permanently resident in the UK.
How to apply
Applications must be supported by professionals who can specify the equipment needed. Application can be downloaded or posted to a family or supporting professional by calling the Newlife Nurse helpline above.
British Gas Energy Trust
Contact details
Freepost RRZJ-XBSY-GYRG, British Gas Energy Trust, PO Box 42, Peterborough PE3 8XH
Application form request line: 01733 421021
Type of grant
Grants to cover arrears of domestic gas/electricity charges and other essential domestic bills and costs. No grants for bills already paid, benefits overpayments, fines, education or training, business debts, debts to central government departments, catalogues, credit cards, loans, medical equipment, aids and adaptations or holidays.
Eligibility criteria
Domestic customers of British Gas or Scottish Gas and people who are a tenant of a home with energy supplied by them. They are part of a shared programme and you may be eligible to apply to other trusts. Download further information from their website.
How to apply
Write to the trust or apply online. You will need to send proof of income.
Lifeline 4 Kids
Contact details
Roger Adelman, Lifeline 4 Kids, 215 West End Lane, London NW6 1XJ
Tel: 020 7794 1661 Web:
Type of grant
No grants of money, but will buy specific items such as special equipment or clothing on behalf of the individual.
Eligibility criteria
Disabled children and young people under the age of 19.
How to apply
Must have a supporting letter from a medical professional and a financial statement. Applications can be downloaded or call to get one.
The Frank Buttle Trust - Applications should be sent to the relevant address below-
Contact details
England Audley House,13 Palace Street London SW1E 5HX
Tel: 020 7828 7311 e-mail
Wales PO Box 7, Rhayader, Powys LD6 5WB
Tel: 01597 870060 e-mail
Scotland PO Box 5075, G78 4WA
Tel: 01505 850 437 e-mail:
Northern Ireland PO Box 484, Belfast BT6 OYA
Tel: 02890 64 11 64 e-mail
Type of grant
Necessities such as clothes, beds, bedding and essential items of furniture and household equipment, and on occasion, short-term therapy costs. No help towards debts or loans, childcare costs, holidays or non-essential items. Normally one grant per client each 12 to 18 months.
Eligibility criteria
Children and young people who are aged 18 years and under, cared for by single or two parents, estranged, orphaned and vulnerable young people under 21 living independently. Grants intended to make a positive contribution to the lives of children and young people when their safety, health or development are at risk through illness, distress, abuse or neglect, any kind of disability, behavioural or psychological problems, severe poverty and deprivation.
How to apply
Preferably by email, or request one by post through a statutory agency or voluntary organisation capable of assessing the needs of the child and who can administer a grant. Applications should include the facts of the case, problems or misfortune experienced by the child. Eligible applicants will be sent a form, which are considered monthly.
Miss Doreen Stanford Charitable Trust
Contact details
Send a stamped addressed envelope (SAE) to: Mrs G M B Borner Secretary, 26 The Mead Beckenham, Kent BR3 5PE Tel: 020 8650 3368
Type of grant
One-off and recurrent grants of between £500 and £1,500, mainly for equipment related to sickness or disability. No grants for holidays or items like washing machines, clothes or repairs.
Eligibility criteria
People who are disabled, deaf or blind and in need. Also, children whose families are in financial need.
How to apply
Applications must be made through a charity and contain details of the individual’s income and expenditure. Decisions made once a year in March and applications must be submitted by end January.
The Heinz, Anna and Carol Kroch Foundation
Contact details
Administrator, PO Box 5, Bentham LA2 7XA
Tel: 01524 263001 e-mail:
Type of grant
One off grants usually ranging from £100 to £500 towards hospital travel cost, household bills, furniture, other hospital expenses, clothing, food, medical & disability equipment, living costs, home adaptation & help in the home. No grants for education purposes or holidays. Applications are generally processed each month.
Eligibility criteria
Support individuals of any age who are suffering from severe poverty and financial hardship, who have ongoing medical problems or have fled domestic situations.
How to apply
Applications must be made by letter or email, with a supporting letter from a medical or welfare professional and include full financial information including income and expenditure. Parents can apply direct.
EDF Energy Trust
Contact details
Freepost RLXG-RBYJ-USXE, EDF Energy Trust, PO Box 42 Peterborough PE3 8XH
Tel: 01733 421060 Web:
Type of grant
Grants to cover the payment of energy bills and other essential household bills or costs. No grants for bills already paid, overpayments of benefits, fines for criminal offences, education or training needs, debts, medical equipment, aids and adaptations or holidays.
Eligibility criteria
Domestic customers of EDF Energy Brand, inc. London Energy, Seeboard Energy or SWEB Energy and people who are a tenant of a home with energy supplied by them. Help with other household bills or costs (evidence will be required that the household receives its electricity or gas from EDF Energy).
How to apply
Application forms can be completed on their website or downloaded. Or call or email the contacts above. You will need to send proof of income.
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers (PRTC)
Contact details
The Clerk, Unit 14, Bourne Court, Southend Road, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 8HD Tel: 0844 800 4361 Web:
Type of grant
One-off grants for a range of purposes; for essential household items such as cookers, washing machines or beds. Can help with transport costs to and from hospital and towards short breaks or training for carers to help them get back to work.
Eligibility criteria
Unpaid carers in the UK.
How to apply
Through your local PRTC Carers Centre, see website for details.
Equipment for Independent Living
Contact details
Secretary, 10 Pembroke Walk, London, W8 6PQ
Type of grant
One-off grants towards disability equipment to help with mobility, independence and earning power, usually in the range of £100 to £1,000. No grants towards equipment supplied by NHS or social services, equipment running costs, building adaptations or decorating, household equipment, holidays or computers unless used as a speech aid or to enable the individual to earn their living.
Eligibility criteria
People over 16 who are disabled in the UK and overseas.
How to apply
Must be submitted through a social worker, citizens advice or welfare agency or by other a professional. Contact them for an application form. Applications are considered in January, April, July and October.
Elifar Foundation (Every Life for a Reason)
Contact details
The Treasurer, The Elifar Foundation, 22 Florentine Way, Waterlooville, Hants PO7 8JU
Type of grant
To fund/part fund any piece of specialised equipment or course of therapy, no matter how small. No grants for items available from statutory funding, vehicles, building works, garden works, ordinary computers, ordinary domestic items (e.g. furniture, flooring, white goods, clothing) ordinary or family holidays or goods already purchased
Eligibility criteria
Children and adults with any form of physical or learning disability, whether living at home or in residential care.
How to apply
Applications can be made by, or on behalf of any severely disabled young adult or child, resident in the UK. Must be supported by evidence from a health care professional that the grant will make a significant improvement to the applicant's quality of life, and that funds are unavailable elsewhere. Also require financial information of the applicant (or family in the case of a minor). The applicant/proposer must source the equipment/therapy and include product information and current prices. They pay the supplier of the goods or service direct, on receipt of an invoice. Applications downloadable on their website.
The Family Fund Trust
Contact details
Family Fund, 4 Alpha Court, Monks Cross Drive, YORK YO32 9WN
Tel: 08449 744 099
Type of grant
Help related to the disabled child’s care needs. May include help with a holiday, leisure activities, laundry equipment, bedding and clothing, transport, play equipment and other items. Cannot provide items which are the responsibility of the statutory agencies eg NHS, social services or educational equipment. The Family Fund has launched a new free-to-join website, Family Fund extra giving families online discounts from leading high street names.
Eligibility criteria
Families in the UK caring for a child at home who is severely disabled. Helps families with a disabled child up to their 18th birthday providing the application is received before the young person's 18th birthday. No savings limit, but its income criteria will now be guided by a family’s entitlement to government financial support in the form of benefit and tax credits. The Family Fund retains the discretion to decline an application where a family has a significant level of capital. See their website for further details.
How to apply
Parents, carers or a professional worker can apply (with parental consent). Call the Fund or applications can be made online.
Independence at Home
Contact details
Mary Rose, Chief Executive, 4th Floor, Congress House, 14 Lyon Road, Harrow HA1 2EN Tel: 0208 427 7929
Type of grant
One-off grants between £100 and £500 towards specific additional costs, including equipment and emergencies. Grants can be made towards almost any expense not covered by statutory provision. No grants for debts, televisions, holidays or vehicles.
Eligibility criteria
People who are substantially disabled or severely ill and who live at home or wish to do so.
How to apply
On a form available from the correspondent, submitted through a social worker, citizens advice or other welfare body. Applications are considered on an ongoing basis.
The League of the Helping Hand
Contact details
The Secretary, LHH, PO Box PO Box 342, Burgess Hill, RH15 5AQ
Tel/Fax: 01444 236099 (Single Payment Grants)
Tel/Fax: 01273 493551 (Quarterly Beneficiaries)
Type of grant
One-off grants towards essential household items, specialist equipment & carers breaks.
Eligibility criteria
People who have a physical disability, learning difficulty or mental health problem and are in financial need. Those who care for somebody who is disabled, elderly or ill may also be eligble.
How to apply
On a form available to download or from the correspondent.
NOTE: Form must be submitted through a social worker, carers centre or citizens advice withan SAE. Trustees meet every three weeks to consider applications, although emergency needs can be met more quickly.
Note: The website is not working as of Aug 2011. Please call or email for now.
S C Witting Trust
Contact details
The Administrator, Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
Type of grant
One-off grants for specific items such as electric appliances, furniture, clothing, toys, pushchairs, bedding etc. No grants are given towards debts or loans.
Eligibility criteria
Children in need who are under 15 or people over 60 years of age.
How to apply
In writing by a social worker or welfare agency. Applications must include background information on the applicant, reason for need and amount required. Unsuccessful applications aren’t acknowledged unless an SAE is provided.
Mobility Trust 11
Contact details
Mrs Ann Munn, 17b Reading Road, Pangbourne, Berkshire RG8 7LR Tel: 0118 984 2588 Web:
Type of grant
The Trust will provide powered wheelchairs or scooters for people unable to get equipment through statutory sources or afford to buy them. No grants are given.
Eligibility criteria
People with disabilities.
How to apply
By letter directly by the individual or through a third party, explaining why equipment is needed, details of any disabilities and the cause of them.
Margaret Champney Rest & Holiday Fund – run by the Ogilvie Trust
Contact details
Margaret Champney Rest and Holiday Fund
The Gate House, 9 Burkitt Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 4JJ
Tel: 01394 388746 Web:
Type of grant
One-off grants, from £200-£300
Eligibility criteria
Small grants to carers caring for a severely disabled relative, in need of a break. Primarily intended to give a complete break to a carer whilst the ‘cared for’ is receiving short break care. Grants cannot be given towards family holidays.
How to apply
In writing through a social worker, citizens advice bureau or other welfare agency. Include full details of weekly income and expenditure, other agencies being approached, and details of the break and who will care for the person while the break is taken.
3H Fund
Contact details
Unit B2, Speldhurst Business Park, Langton Road, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN3 0AQ
Tel: 01892 860207 Web:
Type of grant
To help with a modest holiday. Families must organise the holiday themselves. Grants are given for the accommodation part of a holiday and the holiday must be taken in the UK.
Eligibility criteria
Disabled people (whether physically or mentally disabled) their families and carers, on a low income.
How to apply
Applications may be made by the disabled person, by a member of their family or by a referring agency such as social services. Grant Funding is now closed and will become available again at the beginning of November 2011.
Variety Club
Contact details
The Grants Co-ordinator, Variety Club House, 93 Bayham Street, London, NW1 OAG
Tel: 020 7428 8100 Web:
Type of grant
Equipment including sensory room equipment, communicators, specialised toys and specialised play equipment, electric beds and bath equipment, feeding tubes, car seats etc. No grants for holidays, debts, running costs, salaries.
Eligibility criteria
Sick, disabled and disadvantaged children and young people up to the age of 18 years, who are permanently resident in the UK.
How to apply
Medical and other health care professionals and parents can make applications on behalf of individual children on a form on the website.
Contact details
Ms Vicky Andreas, React, St Luke’s House, 270 Sandycombe Road, Kew TW9 3NP Tel: 020 8940 2575
Type of grant
One-off (and occasionally recurrent) grants for a variety of needs, eg washing machines, funeral expenses, telephone bills, hospital expenses, specialist toys, carpets, wheelchairs and sensory equipment. Offers grants for a very broad and imaginative range of needs. No grants for holidays abroad or alterations to houses.
Eligibility criteria
Financially disadvantaged families caring for a child under 18 years living with a potentially terminal illness.
How to apply
Form downloadable from website or by calling. It should be completed by the individual or a third party such as a social worker, GP, hospital or hospice. Applications must be validated by a medical professional and declare the applicant’s financial status.
The R L Glasspool Charity Trust
Contact details
Mrs F Moore, Charity Administrator, Second Floor, Saxon House, 182 Hoe Street, Walthamstow E17 4QH
Tel: 020 8520 4354
Type of grant
One-off grants, including for white goods, clothing, holidays, furniture and disability equipment. Some items will be supplied directly. No grants for loans, debts, bursaries, educational grants, rents/deposits, funeral costs, children’s toys, building works, driving lessons/tests.
Eligibility criteria
People who are in need on a low income.
How to apply
Applications must be made through social services, or relevant welfare agency. Form available from the trust. Applications should include full names, ages, address of family, income and expenditure, family circumstances and need, what other charities have been approached and with what result. Payment is made to the referring agency so the name of the payee should be included. If applying for a holiday provide details of proposed holiday, other charities contacted, whether Social Fund/social services have been approached and result.
The Roald Dahl Foundation
Contact details
Roald Dahl Foundation, 81a High Street, Great Missenden HP16 0AL
Tel: 01494 890 465 Web:
Type of grant
One-off grants of up to £500 towards household appliances, utility bills, clothing, beds and bedding, travel and subsistence payments while children are in hospital, specialised equipment, car seats, wheelchairs, motability vehicles, vehicle tax, insurance and respite care. No grants towards debts (except utility bills) and holidays are not funded as a rule unless exceptional circumstances.
Eligibility criteria
Children and young people aged 25 and under who have a specific neurological or haematological condition (but not ADHD or Autism) from a low-income family (in receipt of income support, working tax credit or housing benefit). The only eligible cancer is benign brain tumour. Families on an income not more than £22,000 per annum may be considered.
How to apply
NOTE: Referrals must come via social services, healthcare professionals or a responsible person within an organisation, they will not be considered from individuals. Applications on a form from the Foundation. The referring officer must be willing to supply and confirm information required for the grant to be processed and to see the application through to completion.
Sunshine Society Fund
Contact details
Sunshine Society Fund, c/o Bryson House, 28 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7FE
Type of grant
Holidays for children in need.
Eligibility criteria
Financial assistance to families with children under the age of 18, who are ill, disabled or facing financial hardship in Northern Ireland only.
How to apply
In writing by a social worker – and considered within a week of submission. Must include background information on the applicant, how a grant will benefit them, details of income and expenditure, benefits received and other sources of financial assistance.
Wish Granting Charities
Happy Days Children’s Charity
Contact details
Happy Days Children’s Charity, Clody House, 90-100 Collington Street, Luton LU1 1RX
Tel: 01582 755999 Web:
Type of grant
One off grants ranging from £25-£1,000 for family holidays, residential trips, days out and theatre trips in the UK (occasionally children who are terminally ill are funded for a trip abroad).
Eligibility Criteria
Grants the wishes of children aged 3–17 years living with life-threatening illnesses. Children with learning difficulties, physical or mental disabilities and with acute, chronic or life limiting illnesses. Also young people who have been bereaved or act as carers for a parent or a sibling. Help young people in special needs schools, hospitals and hospices plus individual families.
How to apply
Applications for different grants on a form downloadable from the website. Calls welcome for advice and guidance.
Dreams Come True Charity
Contact details
Knockhundred House, Knockhundred Row, Midhurst GU29 9DQ
Freephone: 0800 018 6013 Web:
Type of grant
Fulfils wishes for children who are seriously and terminally ill.
Eligibility Criteria
For children 2-21 years who have special needs and are disadvantaged.
How to apply
Apply by calling the helpline or write to them giving a brief outline of illness together with the type of dream in mind, or send details via an email form on the website.
Make a Wish Foundation UK
Contact details
Head Office, 329-331 London Road, Camberley GU15 3HQ
Tel: 01276 405070 Web:
Type of grant
Grants the wishes of children aged 3–17 years
Eligibility Criteria
Any child or young person aged 3 to 17, living with a life-threatening illness and who has not had a wish granted by a similar organisation.
How to apply
Anyone who knows a child can make a referral by writing to or filling in the form on the website – they will ask for the child’s full medical history from their hospital consultant or GP.
The National Holiday Fund for Sick Children
Contact details
PO Box 318, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4WT Tel 01493 731235
Type of grant
Provides holidays (not grants) for children to Florida, with medical care, allowing parents/carers to have a break while the child is away. The child will be allocated a holiday with a small group of children - all with compatible needs.
Eligibility Criteria
Chronically or terminally ill children, and temporarily or permanently physically disabled children aged 8-18 years.
How to apply
Apply online or call for more information. When you’ve made an application they will ask for the child’s full medical history from their hospital consultant and GP.
Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity
Contact details
No 1 Olympic Way, Wembley, HA9 ONP
Tel: 020 8782 1171 Web:
Type of grant
Make wishes come true and buys vitally needed equipment for terminally and seriously ill children.
Eligibility Criteria
Terminally and seriously ill children between the ages of 3 and 18.
How to apply
Application pack downloadable from the website. Anyone can refer a child - contact them for an informal and confidential discussion. There is a simple application process which must be completed by parents/guardians and be signed by the child's paediatrician.
When You Wish Upon A Star
Contact details
Futurist House, Valley Road, Basford, Nottingham NG5 1JE
Tel 0115 979 1720 Web:
Type of grant
Fulfils the wishes of children with life threatening and terminal illnesses.
Eligibility Criteria
Children with life threatening and terminal illnesses between 2-16 years.
How to apply
Parents or health professional can nominate a child for a wish by writing in with the child's name, age, condition, brief medical history and letter from the consultant confirming the child suffers from either a life threatening or terminal illness. Send to the address above.
Starlight Children’s Foundation
Contact details
Macmillian House, Paddington Station, London, W2 1HD
Tel: 020 7262 2881 Web:
Type of grant
Grants wishes to children who must be able to choose and articulate the wish for themselves and not have received a wish from another wish granting organisation.
Eligibility Criteria
Seriously or terminally ill children (eg leukaemia, HIV/Aids, brain tumours, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, severe asthma or epilepsy, sickle cell anaemia, most forms of cerebral palsy) aged between 4 and18 years.
How to apply
Anyone can refer a child to Starlight by printing off an application form from their website, or contact them to be sent one, and returning it by post or email address. Starlight cannot accept referrals by telephone, but if you have any questions please call the number above and ask to speak to the Children’s Services Department.
Some of this information is taken from ‘A Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need, published by the Directory of Social Change, ISBN 978 1 906294 30 4
Tel: 08450 77 77 07, Web:
You may be able to borrow this book from a local library.